Getting Started

Ultimate Guide to Registering and Adding Listings on

Introduction: Welcome to, your ultimate destination for all things wedding-related! Whether you’re a service provider eager to showcase your offerings or a couple planning your dream wedding, we’ve got you covered. This help page will walk you through the simple process of registering on our platform and adding your listing. So, let’s get started!

Section 1: How to Register Registering on our wedding services website is quick and easy. Follow these steps to create your account:
  • Step 1: Visit our Website Head over to our website’s homepage and locate the “Register” button in the top-right corner. Click on it to proceed.
  • Step 2: Fill in Your Information: You will be redirected to the registration page where you need to provide some essential details. Fill in your Phone Number Username, email address, and Password, and create a secure password. Don’t forget to read and agree to our terms and conditions.
  • Step 3: My Account Page: Once you submit the registration form, you will automatically redirect to the “My Account” Page.
Section 2: How to Add a Listing Now that you’re registered, it’s time to showcase your wedding services by adding a listing. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Step 1: Log in to Your Account: Using the credentials you provided during registration, log in to your account on our website. If You are already on My Account Page please Ignore this step. 
  • Step 2: Navigate to the “My Listing” Page: Find the “Add Listing” option, or locate the “Add Listing” button in the top-right corner. Click on it to proceed.
  • Step 3: Select the Category of your service it could be Hotel Photography Salon etc.
  • Step 4: Fill in all the necessary information about your wedding service. 
Listing Title

Add listing Title ( This is your Business name )

Listing Logo

Add listing Logo( This is your Business Logo )


Here are some options your business could have if there is no option suitable your business keep this blank


Here, you can describe your service, your experience, and the benefits that users receive. Make sure to write an attractive description that will impress your customers.

Open Hours

If your store, shop, or service venue has specific opening hours, please mention them here.


Here you can Activate booking option for your service for more information contact us.


You can Upload 8 images here your previous works or location photographs will show as a slider in your listing page.


If you have YouTube video about your service add the video link here. * youtube video only.

Contact details

Mention your contact details here.

Social Profiles

Add Your Social media links here.

  • Step 5: Submit Your Listing: Review your listing to ensure all the information is accurate and complete. Once you’re satisfied, hit the “Submit” button to make your listing live on our platform.
Section 3: How Our Site Works To provide a seamless experience for both service providers and couples, here’s an overview of how our wedding services website functions:
  1. Browsing and Searching: Couples can easily explore our website by browsing through different service categories or using the search bar to find specific vendors or services.

  2. Filtering and Sorting: We offer various filtering options, such as location, pricing, availability, and ratings, to help couples narrow down their search and find the perfect wedding service providers.

  3. Listing Details and Reviews: Each listing displays comprehensive details about the service provider, including descriptions, photos, pricing, and contact information. Additionally, couples can read reviews and ratings from previous clients to make informed decisions.

  4. Contacting Service Providers: Couples can directly contact service providers through our platform by using the provided contact information, such as phone numbers or email addresses.

  5. Booking and Reservations: Our website may offer a booking or reservation system, allowing couples to secure a date or make appointments with service providers directly through the platform.